Frequently Asked Questions.

We would like to introduce the Pacific Northwest Junior Livestock Auction (PNWJLA)!

The mission of the Pacific Northwest Jr. Livestock Auction is to teach honesty, integrity, responsibility, cooperation, empathy and peaceful conflict resolution while empowering, educating and mentoring youth through livestock raising workshops, community collaboration opportunities, the selling of their livestock project and distribution of educational scholarships.

Here are a few of the highlights of PNWJLA:

We envision partnering with local farmers and community members to provide opportunities for members who struggle with start up costs.

With our mission, vision and goals in mind, we are committed to providing a positive youth experience in our community.

These are just a few highlights that we are working on with more to come. We are working hard to ensure community youth have a positive, educational learning experience with their livestock projects.

Thank you for your interest in participating in PNWJLA!

General FAQs

Why Pacific Northwest Junior Livestock Auction? We are sure there are many questions regarding why PNWJLA was formed. Many of the current board members of PNWJLA have also served on a previous junior livestock auction committee. Over the past few years, some members had concerns regarding specific issues that were not satisfactorily being resolved, so they felt they could no longer continue to be a part the committee. Several others felt a need for change and thus, PNWJLA was formed. The organizers have worked to ensure that PNWJLA’s mission, core values, by-laws and rules encompass putting youth first and foremost in every aspect. PNWJLA has a signed memorandum of understanding with Clallam County 4-H as well as a contract with the Clallam County Fair to host the Junior Livestock Auction at the Clallam County Fair beginning in 2020. Ex-officio positions on PNWJLA’s board has been offered to Clallam County 4-H, Clallam County Fair and Sequim FFA. Members of the PNWJLA board are deeply committed to the youth we serve and are striving to provide everyone with a positive auction experience.

Is PNWJLA a non-profit organization? Yes! You can view our determination letter here.

Who can participate? PNWJLA is open to all Clallam County 4-H and FFA youth in good standing who have met all the requirements as outlined in PNWJLA’s rules.

Will this be a blue ribbon only sale? No. We don’t think participants should have to buy the most expensive animals to participate. Both blue and red ribbon animals are quality market animals. Allowing both blue and red ribbon animals to sell allows more youth to participate and offers a variety of choices for buyers.

Will the kids be required to sell raffle or drawing tickets? No. Per the Washington State Gambling commission, our organization is not allowed to host a raffle or drawing within 12 months of the IRS determination date.

Will you be offering scholarships? Yes! Click here for the 2024 scholarship application.

Will auction participants be required to hand write letters before the auction? No. The PNWJLA committee will be compiling informational packets for members to hand out during one of our community outreach events. While members are not required to attend one of these events to participate, the more kids we have handing out information, the more buyers will be present at the sale. Auction participants are also free to contact specific buyers about their animals.

Are 4-H and FFA members going to show against each other? No. It is against state 4-H policy and the PNWJLA’s MOA with 4-H for them to do so.

When will the Auction be held? PNWJLA has been contracted by the Clallam County Fair for 2024 to offer a Junior Livestock Auction during the Clallam County Fair on August 17, 2024 at noon, in the pig show arena.

How is the money distributed to participating members? Once all sale & add-on invoices have been reviewed by PNWJLA, the sale price of the animal less sales fee (5%) plus 100% of the add-ons will be distributed by PNWJLA directly to the exhibitor. The stub will show the sale price, deduction of sale fee, plus any add-ons that were received. The stub will also have the buyer and add-on information for the kids to send thank you cards.

How does the buyer get the meat? The buyer is responsible for picking up their meat from the butcher they select at the auction.