Sale FAQs

Can I preregister as a buyer? Yes! Please sign up for our email list and be the first to know when buyers can sign up.

Will the animals be sold per pound? Steers, hogs, sheep and goats will be sold by the pound.  Turkeys, broilers and rabbits will be sold by the lot.

Is "Live Pick Up" an option? No. This is a terminal sale.

How will I select the custom shop I want my purchases to be sent to? Someone from the PNWJLA will call within 1-2 days after the sale to confirm your shop of choice.

How much meat will I get from each animal? The amount of meat that each animal will produce varies between each animal. But here is general guide for Steers, Hogs, Lambs, & Goats.

When is my payment due? The sooner you pay, the sooner PNWJLA is able to distribute money to the kids. We would prefer that you submit your payment as quickly as possible.

What are the turn prices? Turn prices can change yearly. However, the turn prices for 2022 were $1.50/lb for steers and hogs, $1.25/lb for lambs and goats, $15 for a pen of chickens, $10 for rabbits and $25 for turkeys.

Can I use a credit card to pay for my purchase? YES! We are happy to be able to offer credit card payments. Please note that invoices paid with credit cards will be charged a 3% processing fee.

How do I purchase for more than one organization? You can register multiple numbers if you have multiple email addresses or just use one number and tell PNWJLA how to split your purchases after the sale.

Can I give kids add-ons? Yes! See our Add-On Page for more info.